Baltic MSP Forum
The “Baltic MSP Forum” was the final conference of the PartiSEApte project. It took place in Riga on 17-18 June 2014.
There was a huge interest in the “hot topic” of MSP. About 200 participants from all over the Baltic Sea Region and beyond attended the meeting. Plenary sessions and workshops focussed on
- Results from the PartiSEApate project and other MSP pilot projects
- MSP Governance Framework for the Baltic Sea Region
- MSP developments in different countries
- Blue Growth” and sector perspectives on MSP
- Data & research
- Methodological considerations and lessons learned of enhancing cooperation & consultation processes on different levels, on public participation and stakeholder involvement
At the conference, planners, decision-makers, representatives of sectors, researchers and other experts discussed controversially, but constructively in plenary sessions and workshops as well was informally during breaks. These fruitful discussions were what made the “Baltic MSP Forum” a big success as it made an important contribution to realizing the conference motto: creating common understanding.
If you want to learn more about the MSP conference, please click on the session your are interested in to access session summaries, powerpoint presentations as well as video recordings of workshops .
- MSP Forum report
- Video: What is Maritime Spatial Planning – Expert opinions given at the Baltic MSP Forum
- Agenda
- Photos
Day 1
- Opening and welcome speeches
- Plenary: MSP in Europe and the Baltic Sea Region – Results from the PartiSEApate project
- Panel discussion: MSP in the Baltic Sea Region until 2020 – Expectations, challenges, national versus transnational MSP
- Plenary: Stakeholder Perspectives on MSP – Towards Blue Growth in the Baltics
- Workshop: MSP cases 1
- Workshop: Science input for the implementation of the EU directive
- Plenary: Audience discussion “Are we prepared for MSP?” & book launch
Day 2
- Workshop: MSP in the Baltic perspective
- Workshop: Discussion on research needs for MSP
- Workshop: e-MSP – Data needs for proper maritime planning
- Workshop: How to enhance pan-Baltic cooperation and consultation on MSP
- Workshop: MSP cases 2
- Workshop: Ways of multi-level public participation and involvement
- Concluding plenary
Video recording of plenary sessions (day 1)
Part 1
Part 2