Logo Baltic MSP Forum_abgeschnittene Ränder2Workshop: MSP in the Baltic perspective 

Moderator: Tomas Andersson, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management


  • T. Andersson: Marine Spatial Planning in Sweden and the need for a Pan Baltic Basline- download

Workshop summary

_MG_0316Sweden has recently published a status report presenting information regarding the utilisation of marine resources, current conditions, and possible future demands in the Swedish part of the Baltic Sea (available for download here). The report was presented by Tomas Andersson from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The presentation focused on transboundary issues and the lack of comprehensive planning evidence from a Pan Baltic perspective.

With some of the Swedish stocktaking maps a starting point, the audience was asked to complement the Swedish perspective with information from their respective countries. Sectors discussed included energy, cultural heritage, offshore banks and sand extraction. Participants agreed that there is a need for a common baseline. The baseline should show not only the current status for each sector but also include the ”known” future, for example planned wind power or other planned installations and activities. This information should be used as a starting point for national MSP and for setting national MSP into pan-Baltic perspective.

_MG_0117Another issues shortly taken up in the course of the workshop were dumped chemical weapons from World War II as there is the urgent need to tackle this problem.

The workshop was organised by Johanna Egerup and Tomas Andersson from the Swedish Agency for Marin and Water Management and was attended by approximately 25 persons from Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Denmark, Sweden and Russia.

Video recording

Part 1

Part 2