Pomeranian Bight Model Case
The area of the Pomeranian Bight / Arkona Basin offered an interesting model case for multi-level MSP governance from numerous perspectives:
- It is situated between South Sweden (Skåne), Germany, Poland and Denmark west of the island of Bornholm.
- It involves six planning areas with differing planning cultures and interests considering not only the national division, but also the regional-national interface.
- Sweden and Poland were about to start real MSP processes and Germany planed to update their already existing real MSPs for this area.
- The area is subject to many uses, including shipping (with many ferry connections passing through this area), offshore wind energy developments, sand and gravel extraction, pipelines and submarine cables, nature conservation, fishery and tourism.
Activities within PartiSEApate built on the work undertaken within German MSPs and the BaltSeaPlan project, including basic stocktaking, modelling exercises for fishery and offshore wind energy, alignment of planning tools between the two responsible bodies in Germany (the State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for the coastal waters up to 12 sea miles and the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency for the EEZ). Emphasis was placed on:
- Testing transnational MSP requirements
- Regional-national consultation with and within the Swedish section of the Pomeranian Bight
- Developing and organising appropriate stakeholder awareness raising workshops
- Further enhancing planning methods for integrating fishery into MSPs
Workshop on Maritime Spatial Planning held in Malmö/Sweden, March 18-19, 2013
More than 40 participants from municipalities, government agencies, various interest groups, marine and wind energy sector, researchers and consultants participated in the Maritime Spatial Planning Workshop held in Malmö/Sweden March 18th-19th, 2013. Lectures were held by representatives of the Region Skåne, the World Maritime University, the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the County Administrative Board, the Marine Environment Institute and Lomma municipality.
- Om projekten PartiSEApate & ARTWEI - Peter Askman
- Utveckling av en svensk havsplanering–till glädje och nytta för alla – Berit Pettersson
- Plan Bothnia and minimum requirements for transnational Maritime Spatial Planning - Annukka Pekkarinen
- Artwei & Partiseapate – Henrik Nilsson
- Kustplanering i Lomma, utmaningar och möjligheter - Helena Björn
- Kunskapsunderlag för havsplanering – vad har vi, vad saknar vi? - Moa Paulin Hansson