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Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum

Workshop on Ways of multi-level public participation and stakeholder involvement

18 June 2014, 11:00-12:30 am

Effective stakeholder engagement is an important element of an MSP process. But practices on how such stakeholder processes are handled differ substantially in current MSP cases. Even less practice exists when it comes to stakeholder engagement in a transboundary context with the level of complexity increasing due to differing cultures, languages and levels in which countries are within the MSP process. Based on findings from the PartiSEApate cases as well as contributions from other processes we will highlight good practices, pros & cons of the various stakeholder involvement formats, problems encountered as well as solutions suggested.

Moderator: Kristina Veidemane (Baltic Environmental Forum)

Please shortly describe how you would like to contribute to this workshop (e.g. give a presentation, a speech, etc.). We will collect suggestions by 22 April (deadline) and get back to you in May.

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